Here’s a brief video overview of Intent-Driven data center. More blogs to come.
The Intersection of Technology and Reality
Here’s a brief video overview of Intent-Driven data center. More blogs to come.
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This is adapted from ‘The Lorax’ by the Great Dr. Seuss. If you have not read his work, please do. His stories teach beautiful lessons through the use of whimsy and wonder. I love Dr. Seuss, so this is a thing I do. If you like it, there are links…
** I have and will continue to make some edits to this post based on feedback. I’ll leave the original text with strikethrough, and make modifications in blue. First I’m copying the disclaimer to the top. ** ** Disclaimer: I work for Cisco as a Principal Engineer focused on Cisco…
*** Disclaimer: I work for a vendor who has several offerings in the world of intent-based infrastructure. If you choose to assume that makes my opinion biased and irrelevant, that’s your mistake to make, and you can save time by skipping the rest of this post. *** *** Update at…
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