I recently had the privilege to attend and participate in a global technology leadership forum. The forum consisted of technology investors, vendors and thought leaders and was an excellent event. The tracks I focused on were VDI, Big Data, Data Center Infrastructure, Data Center Networks, Cloud and Collaboration. The following…
Tag: Data Center
Why FCoE Standards Matter
Mike Fratto at Network Computing recently wrote an article titled ‘FCoE: Standards Don’t Matter; Vendor Choice Does’ (http://www.networkcomputing.com/storage-networking-management/231002706.) I definitely differ from Mike’s opinion on the subject. While I’m no fan of the process of making standards (puts sausage making to shame), or the idea of slowing progress to wait…
Flexpod Discussion with Vaughn Stewart and Abhinav Joshi
I enjoyed a great conversation with Netapp’s Vaughn Stewart and Cisco’s Abhinav Joshi about FlexPod last week during Cisco Live 2011. Check out the video below. Related posts: CloudStack Graduates to Top-Level Apache Project The Difference Between Private Cloud and Converged Infrastructure Private Cloud: It’s Not About ROI Thought Experiment…
VDI, the Next Generation or the Final Frontier?
After sitting through a virtualization sales pitch focused around Virtual Desktop Infrastructures (VDI) this afternoon I had several thoughts on the topic I thought may be blog worthy. VDI has been a constant buzzword for a few years now, riding the coattails of server virtualization. For the majority of those…
Server/Desktop Virtualization–A Best of Breed Band-Aid
Virtualization is a buzzword that has moved beyond into mainstream use and enterprise deployment. A few years back vendors were ‘virtualization-washing’ their products and services the way many ‘cloud-wash’ the same today. Now a good majority of enterprises are well into their server virtualization efforts and moving into Virtual Desktop…
The Cloud Rules
Cloud Computing Concepts: These are Twitter sized quick thoughts. If you’d like more elaboration or have a comment participation is highly encouraged. As I’ve run out of steam on this I’ve decided to move it into a blog rather than a page. 01: Cloud is a fad like computers, the…
OTV and Vplex: Plumbing for Disaster Avoidance
High availability, disaster recovery, business continuity, etc. are all key concerns of any data center design. They all describe separate components of the big concept: ‘When something does go wrong how do I keep doing business.’ Very public real world disasters have taught us as an industry valuable lessons in…
World Wide Technology’s Upcoming Geek Day
Coming up very quickly is World Wide Technology’s (www.wwt.com) annual Geek Day, March 10th 2011 (http://www.wwt.com/geekday/.) I’m very much looking forward to the event for two reasons: It’s free to customers It’s totally focused on geeks interacting with geeks. The event is focused around live interactive demo’s from sponsor technology…
Cisco unified Computing System (UCS) High-Level Overview
I’ve been looking for tools to supplement Power Point, Whiteboard, etc. and Brian Gracely (@bgracely) suggested I try Prezi (www.prezi.com.) Prezi is a very slick tool for non-slide based presentations.  I don’t think it will replace slides or white board for me, but it’s a great supplement. It’s got a…
Disaster Recovery and the Cloud
It goes without saying that modern business relies on information technology. As a result, it is essential that operations personnel consider the business impact of outages and plan accordingly. As an illustration, Virgin Blue recently experienced a twenty-hour outage in its reservation system that resulted in losses of up to…