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I came across a blog recently that peaked my interest. The post was from Nate at TechOpsGuys ( and it purports to explain the networking deficiencies of UCS. The problem with the posts explanation is that it’s based off of The Tolly Report on HP vs. UCS ( which has…
The Difference Between ‘Foothold’ and ‘Lock-In’
There is always a lot of talk within IT marketing around vendor ‘lock-in’. This is most commonly found within competitive marketing, i.e. ‘Product X from Company Y creates lock-in causing you to purchase all future equipment from them. In some cases lock-in definitely exists, in other cases what you really…
Why Oracle’s 72 port 10GE switch doesn’t matter
I recently ran into some internal buzz about Oracle’s 72 port ‘top-of-rack’ switch announcement and it peeked my interest, so I started taking a look. Oracle selling a switch is definitely interesting on the surface but then again they did just purchase Sun for a bargain basement price and Sun…